Freelance Invoice Template

We would like to talk about invoice document at first, which is arguably good for recording all items related to construction work, exporting goods, and freelance work. In the sense of freelance works, surely people will be happy to involve in a side job so that they can earn additional income. Generally, there are many side jobs to choose, including waiters, web designers, translators, shopkeepers, writers, sales, and so on. The most important thing to notice from these side jobs is they all can be done at weekends. However, we should take into account an existence of freelance invoice that should be useful for freelance workers.

Freelance Invoice Template for Word
Freelance Invoice Template

This free freelance invoices below is one of invoice samples to give you ideas on creating your own invoice. There are two models available. The first one is a general service invoice, a piece of paper with which you can describe all the freelance jobs through a column and put the fee of your service in another column. This one is suitable for a kind of jobs where the payment is based on fixed price which will be paid after the project is finished. The second one is an hourly invoice template that will help you write down all the kinds of freelance job based on hourly rates. This is a kind of invoice which usually used by web designer, graphic designer or perhaps legal adviser.